Summer Daze | Personal Project

This year has been hard. It seems like it’s gone by in a blur, though so much has happened since January 1st. I, like so many, have languished for a good chunk of this year. We’ve been in this holding pattern of not-yet-back-to-normal but definitely (slowly) returning. Perhaps it’s that uncertain in-between place that has felt so challenging. We humans like our certainty.

At any rate, as summer break approached, I wanted to make sure I committed to something that would allow me some more intentional family time. After a year+ of distance-learning stress and feeling like I was always so damn BUSY, I wanted and needed to slow down. So, I decided I would return to daily documentation of my family and kicked it off on the first day of summer break.

Summer always feels a bit slower and less structured than the school year but this summer especially felt like a shrugging off a huge weight we had all been carrying for far too long. We planned some fun little vacations and lots of family visits from our loved ones we haven’t seen. We’re about half-way through summer at this point and I’m (unsurprisingly) so grateful I decided to document each our days. More summer goodness is to come and I’m just happy to be here with open arms. Some favorites from the first 40 days are below.


Creative Brand Session for Every Mother in San Francisco