What Does a Day in the Life Session Look Like?

Not all Day in the Life Sessions are the same. Sometimes they happen at the end of the day with older kids and teens, with a “bop around town” kind of vibe to them. More often though, they are cozy-at-home situations with young kids wearing footed pajamas. The featured session below was the latter. 😍

Day in the Life Sessions Start Early

I typically arrive at the family’s home right around the time they’re waking up. The grown-ups are moving slowly and the kids are adorably running around the house being goofy. The morning rituals are on full display and being captured by my camera. Starting first thing in the morning allows me to capture the part of the day where so much of the sweetness happens.

My own kids are now teen/tweens and the days of having toddlers in my home feels like another lifetime. I remember how hard it was, how long the days were, how life felt both boring and exhilarating. But I also remember those days as being filled with uncomplicated love and closeness.

Day in the Life Sessions Show the Real You

Because Day in the Life Sessions are unposed and unscripted, the messy parts show up too. And that’s a good thing! These sessions are meant to show you what your life actually looks like and that includes the frustrating parts of it too. The family featured below have two little boys, spaced two years apart. The parents seemed to occupy that space of being both amazed at their babies and also needing lots of coffee to get through the morning. They had one kiddo content to quietly play and one kiddo who had to move-move-move to keep himself regulated. There were some tears, there were some sibling spats, but the laughter and connection far outweighed those moments. In other words, the session reflected their real life.

Day in the Life Sessions Are Not For Folks Wanting “Everyone Smiing at the Camera” Type Photos

Sure, I can take a few posed images for your holiday card or for that framed shot for the grandparents, but these sessions are for people who value images that show the unguarded moment with all its imperfection. These sessions are not meant to showcase a perfect looking house with children wearing perfectly clean clothing and mom having perfect hair and make-up. We all know that family life doesn’t look like that. But. I promise however imperfect (or even chaotic) a family morning at home may feel, I will document it in a way that shows you how beautiful it all is.


Brand Sessions for Artists: Suzanne Baxter Art


Interior Design Spotlight: Clarice Annegers Design