What Does a Newborn Session With a Ten Week Old Look Like?

One of the most common questions I get from expectant mothers is what age their baby should be for the newborn session. I give them what is probably a slightly unsatisfying answer in telling them there is no right age for doing your newborn photos. It’s really a matter of personal preference. There are gifts and challenges to doing the photos early and the same is true for waiting a bit to have photos made. The session featured below is of a family with a 10 week-old baby.

Ten Week Old Babies Are Sturdy

At this stage, babies can usually hold their heads up and track movement. Some can even grasp things. They don’t need to be fed every 45 minutes and can usually be soothed in a predictable way. In other words, they’re more like what you think of when you think of a baby and less like that tiny, sleepy newborn that you brought home from the hospital.

Babies Are More Expressive at Ten Weeks

In their third month of life, babies are smiling and cooing. They’re bright eyed and remain awake and alert for most, if not all, of their session. They’re also more interactive at this stage. They will gaze into a parent’s eyes and respond with smiles and baby babble. All things that are priceless to capture!

Mothers Are More Relaxed and Confident at Ten Weeks Postpartum

It should come as no surprise that the more time mothers have postpartum, the more they return to feeling and looking like themselves. They’re more confident in their abilities as a new mother and with that comes more comfort with having a new person in their baby’s space.

For some parents, this is the best time to capture their baby’s newborn stage. It definitely has its benefits, as discussed above. The downside to waiting until the third month to do photos is that newborns change so quickly. Those dreamy early days with a tiny sleeping baby and a feeling of sacredness have changed into something else and missing that document can feel like a loss for some parents. So, what do you think - is ten weeks the time you would want to do newborn photos?


Family Photo Sessions With Toddlers


At-Home Newborn Session: How To Prepare Like a Pro