Family, Newborn, and Brand Photography in San Francisco Bay Area

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What Does a Newborn Session With a Two Week Old Look Like?

One of the most common questions I get from expectant mothers is what age their baby should be for the newborn session. I give them what is probably a slightly unsatisfying answer in telling them there is no right age for doing your newborn photos. It’s really a matter of personal preference. There are gifts and challenges to doing the photos early and the same is true for waiting a bit to have photos made. The session featured below is of a family with a 2 week-old baby.

Document the Dreamy First Days With Your Baby

Newborns change so quickly. Like, they change from day to day in perceivable ways. I often hear new mothers comment on how much their baby has already changed when I arrive at their two week photo session. The first two weeks of your baby’s life is when they will most look like that tiny, fresh-out-the-oven human that they are. New parents at two-week newborn sessions will likely already have a hundred iPhone snaps in their phones, documenting each day, and will be eager to have me document the family together for the first time.

Two Week Old Babies Are Sleepy and Snuggly

Two week old babies are fairly predictable. Eat, sleep, poop, stare off into space/out the window, repeat. They often want to be held and snuggled at all times and parents are happy to oblige, some having a hard time putting their babies down. 😉 The mood at these newborn sessions is cozy, snuggly, and love-drenched. Also, it’s perfectly acceptable for baby to sleep through most of the session.

You’ll Never Get This Time Again

The first days with your new baby will have that “pierced veil” feeling to them. You’ll feel more love than you’ve ever felt in your life - sometimes it might feel like you can’t take it. 🥹 It’s a sacred transition from your old life to this new one, and it’s when you, your partner, and your baby are all falling madly in love with each other. Wouldn’t you want to have a visual document of this special and fleeting time?

For some parents, this is the best time to capture their baby’s newborn stage. It definitely has its benefits, as discussed above. The downside to having images made when your baby so young is that they’re not too expressive yet - that is besides the crying. 🥴 Also, it might feel overwhelming for some parents to have a new person in their space at such a vulnerable time. So, what do you think - is two weeks the time you would want to do your newborn photos?